Virtual reality (VR)

See the world that you never saw

Virtual reality (VR) is an interactive computer-generated experience taking place within a simulated environment. It incorporates mainly auditory and visual feedback, but may also allow other types of sensory feedback like haptic.

How ?

Current VR technology most commonly uses virtual reality headsets or multi-projected environments, sometimes in combination with physical environments or props, to generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that simulate a user’s physical presence in a virtual or imaginary environment. A person using virtual reality equipment is able to “look around” the artificial world, move around in it, and interact with virtual features or items. The effect is commonly created by VR headsets consisting of a head-mounted displays with a small screen in front of the eyes, but can also be created through specially designed rooms with multiple large screens.


Augmented or Virtual: what’s the difference?

Both virtual and augmented realities provide the experience through the 3D high definition audio and video, but there is still a big difference. The VR is completely immersive and puts a user into isolated reality while the AR is partly immersive. In the world of augmented reality, your user can look around and through artificial objects of the expanded layer.

In AR the computer algorithm uses sensors and markers to spot the current position of physical objects and determine a location of simulated ones. After this technology renders the picture that will appear on the camera.


The technology is becoming cheaper and more widespread. We can expect to see many more innovative uses for the technology in the future and perhaps a fundamental way in which we communicate and work thanks to the possibilities of virtual reality.

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